IT or digital capability on your Board or governing group (Part 2). What capabilities?

IT or digital capability on your Board or governing group (Part 2). What capabilities?

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.


If you accept the need to improve the IT/digital capability on your Board or governing group (see our last blog) then a reasonable question is, what skills are required?

This article is unlikely to completely answer this question for your organisation, as all organisations are unique, but it aims to give you some prompts and guidance to assist.  Firstly, we’ll consider your organisation, then the range of skills in IT/digital.

Your own organisation
In considering your organisation, a good place to start is the Tricker Model.  It is one of many lenses you can use to determine where your Board priorities are and therefore where your skill priorities may be in relation to IT/digital.  Other areas to consider include your corporate strategy and corporate risk register.  These may provide guidance on where your priorities are.  You may also want to consider the confidence you have in various skills across your Executive team.

IT versus digital

Know your organisation In considering what the range of IT/digital skills are, let’s unpack this IT/digital term.  As demonstrated, often when the term ‘IT’ is used, it is in the context of internal organisational capability.  Likewise, when the term ‘digital’ is used it is often in the context of how an organisation relates externally to its customers, competitors, suppliers and the broader ecosystem in which an organisation operates.

Of course the two are related, as it will be challenging to adopt digital externally unless you have the capability internally to deliver. 

When Information Professionals develops ICT strategy, some things we consider include:
  • Governance – how IT decisions are informed, made, implemented and assessed;
  • Alignment – aligning IT strategic priorities and intent with organisational strategy; and
  • Capability – the ability to deliver to the organisation’s needs, leveraging internal and/or external capabilities across infrastructure, security, technology, applications, data, business process and all other domains.

With digital strategy, we consider:

  • Digital marketing – to extend the sales and marketing capabilities into the digital world;
  • Digital business – to integrate digital strategy into business strategy;
  • Digital transformation – to drive digital across the enterprise along with the introduction of digital performance measures; and
  • Digital economy – to widen the scope of influence to the extended value chain and communities in which an organisation operates, and drive digital across this wider group.

How well informed are you and your Board in understanding your current and target state for each of the above areas of ICT and digital?

IT and digital topics

The AICD Essential Director
briefing (referenced in the previous blog) provides some guidance on where the peak body for Directors defines key areas of interest for the Director community.  Since 2013-2019, these areas are:




Social Media; IT Governance; Current IT Issues (NBN, BYOD, Big Data, The Cloud, Cybersecurity, Innovation)


Governance (Innovation, Social Media); Technology Trends (Digital transformation, Data, analytics and the power of information, Mobile, Cloud computing, Cybersecurity, IT-enabled projects, 3D printing and additive manufacturing, Robotics, Quantified self), Digital economy


Risk Management (Cybercrime, Social Media, Real-Time Performance Dashboards), Technology Trends (Fintech Start Up Hub, Stone & Chalk, Crowdfunding, Retail Omni-Channel, Internet of Things, Live Streaming)


“Exponential Technology” (how “Technology has become indivisible from how people, enterprises and governments operate); Digital Disruption; Virtual Reality; Machine Learning; Data Analytics; Blockchain


AI (Augmented reality, algorithm driven retail, automated advice), Cybersecurity


AI, Cybersecurity


Innovation (Future of work, Directors digital literacy, Innovation culture)


Amongst these topics, there are a few themes which repeat over multiple years. The bolded topics are a clue.  These themes form a guide on the general skills each of us need to have.  They are:

  1. Governance, Innovation, Culture            (2013, 2014, 2015, 2019)
  2. Digital Transformation                             (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019)
  3. Digital Media                                           (2013, 2014, 2015)
  4. Security and Privacy                               (2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018)
  5. Data, Analytics, AI                                   (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
  6. Digital Ecosystem                                   (2014, 2015, 2019)

Each of these themes will have varying degrees of interest to all organisations and will feature in some form, for many years ahead.  Therefore, it will be prudent to consider how savvy your Board is in being able to properly enquire on, consider and discuss them.

What is most important about these themes is that they can be applied to many specific technologies that you may be encountering now and in the future.

Other topics covered in the AICD briefings are specific and more transient technologies which will have greater or lesser prominence for your organisation, both now and in the future.  They include:

  • 2013: NBN, BYOD, Cloud
  • 2014: Mobile, Cloud computing, 3D printing and additive manufacturing, Quantified Self
  • 2015: Retail Omni-Channel, Internet of Things, Live Streaming
  • 2016: Blockchain

These specific topics and others may come and go in prominence for your organisation over time.  If any of these (or other areas) are a priority for your organisation, then please consider how well informed your Board is.  However just because there is a focus on, for example, cloud or machine learning, in your current strategy, it may not warrant bringing on a Director with knowledge in these specific areas.

There are multiple ways of ensuring your Board is well equipped to oversee its responsibilities in relation to IT and digital.  In our next blog we’ll discuss what they are and how you can apply them.


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