“Information Management” Tag

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   Information Management recognises the value of information, along with the responsibility that goes with it.  There are responsibilities for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and compliance to standards of that information.  But there is massive...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities. By 2025 the traditional internal ICT Organisation will cease to exist. The statement might seem confronting and that is quite deliberate. The alternative to confronting the issue would be to bury your head...

Know more of our IMPLEMENTATION capabilities.   Last week both myself and Senior Consultant David Ekert gave evidence at the Queensland Health Payroll System Commission of Inquiry. We are pleased to have been able to assist the Commission of Inquiry and to...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities. I'll order some data, hold the info please. I have been to some presentations lately and they present data with a disclaimer of sorts, saying "This data is provided for information only". It got...