Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   I cant claim to being a fashion guru.  I hope I dress well enough but I dont know that industry from an industry perspective, fashion seems to be such a complex and...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Big Data – the technology challenge for our age, or part of the ongoing development of the art of management?  You get a strong technology push if you listen to the messages...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities. For those who have considered the question: “I want to be a CIO?”, we present views based on our own observations and first hand experiences. We know from experience that CIO roles can...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   I am just back from a long overseas holiday and enjoyed the wonderful differences and equally, our similarities as humans, across various parts of the world. One of these occured at the Musee...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities. I just did a Google search on "Strategic Business Planning" – and got 88.2 million hits! Now, I haven’t read every one of them, but I bet that they would fall into...

Know more of our DIGITAL & ICT STRATEGY capabilities.   Business Strategies have been around for a long time.  ICT Strategies less so.  But the newest kid on the block is the Digital Strategy.  What is it, and how does it differ...