A Government Agency

About This Project

A statutory authority needed to review and define strategic technology improvements to their organisation and undertook an ICT and Enterprise Systems review and strategy development.



The Situation

An NSW State Government Statutory Authority that held responsibility for the maintenance and/or management of some of Sydney’s most iconic places. This includes Darling Harbour and Circular Quay among many others.

The Authority, once established, had grown and needed to assess its strategic ICT needs.  IPG worked with the CIO to develop an enterprise systems review and ICT Strategy.


The Approach

That review and strategy identified the need for improved asset management and an Enterprise System to support asset management and other corporate functions.

The scope of the work centred around improved asset management, asset maintenance and extended into records management, finance and procurement, Business Intelligence and Staff/customer portals.  It would require significant business process designs, new technology and extensive change requirement.

We worked with the agency to develop the business case.  Scope definition, estimation, costing and economic modelling took place as part of that work.  It was also on the cusp of many enterprise vendors transitioning their systems into the cloud in some way, and therefore this was an important juncture for SHFA in considering how they leverage from cloud.

These cloud migration considerations were developed in the strategy and business case.


The Impact

The strategy and business case was approved and funded.

Information Professionals was further engaged to provide strategic advice and implementation support for the implementation of the ERP solution. Ultimately, the project was delivered successfully.

For more information or for more case studies like this, please contact us.




State Government Statutory Authority

Capabilities Delivered
  • Strategy and Business Case
  • Costing and estimation
  • SaaS Enterprise System
  • Program / Project Design and Management
  • Vendor evaluation and negotiation
Client Wins
  • Challenging vendor conditions and re-negotiation
  • Delivery of project management, supporting skills and quality assurance.
  • The second implementation of SAP by Design solution